Frequently Asked Questions

Exploring Energy Healing

Whether you're curious about the principles of energy healing, its techniques, or how to integrate it into your life, we aim to address your concerns and provide you with valuable insights. Explore our FAQ section to gain a deeper understanding of energy healing and its potential to enhance your overall health and wellness.

Sacred geometry - circular pattern

“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”

  • Nikola Tesla

  • The EESystem is a scalar energy system where people sit within a scalar energy field. It has been brought to use by Dr. Sandra Rose Michael in the form of the Energy Enhancement System(™). A Scalar field is created within the room by a proprietary computer system, creating a bioactive life-enhancing field of colour therapy, light photons and scalar waves.

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  • This technology was studied by the renowned engineer and scientist Nikola Tesla. Scalar waves exist in nature and can be created by causing two energy waves with equal amplitude and 180 degree position to collide with each other. This causes a field of energy that radiates outward in all directions. This field neutralizes negative, harmful man made electromagnetic frequencies such as EMF’s, microwaves, radiation, and electrical fields. These have a negative impact on living organisms, so neutralizing them allows the body to rest from them. The field is a fifth dimensional, non-linear field, which means that Scalar waves exist outside of our relative time and space, they do not decrease over time or distance and they are capable of passing through solid matter.

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  • We recommend 2 hours minimum. It will take your body a while to settle and be able to calm your mind. Then you will enter a state of deep theta relaxation where your body can focus on healing itself. Some people prefer overnight sessions to speed up the process.

  • Every person is different. Since the effects are cumulative, people with chronic or more severe conditions will want to spend more time in the system. Healing your body is a marathon, not a sprint, and for most people there is a history of years of illness or damage. We would recommend working your way up to 20+ hours in the system to allow your body to be able to heal itself more fully. The closer together that these sessions are, the more optimal your results will be.

  • There is no standard to what people will feel. Every person is different and will have a different response. Some people feel fantastic during the session or immediately afterwards. Some people need time to notice changes, and some don’t notice changes, but that doesn’t mean that there are none. Some people may feel worse after the first session or two, as the body adjusts to changes and then starts to heal. This is called a healing crisis. The following is a list of some of the changes that people notice following time in the EESystem.

    · Increased Energy and Vitality

    · Improved Skin Texture and Appearance

    · Relief from Pain and Inflammation

    · Accelerated Recovery Post-Surgery and Post-Injury

    · Improved Immune Function

    · Improved Athletic Performance

    · Improved Sleep

    · Deep Relaxation

    · Improved Creativity and Ability to Learn

    · Natural Healing & Rejuvenation

    · Improved Stress Tolerance

    · Improved Overall Mental Health

    · Relief from Depression

    · Increased Confidence and Emotional Stability

    · Emotional Clarity and Focus

    · A Clearer Sense of Purpose and Direction in Life

    · Improved Self-Confidence & Self-Love

    · Detoxification

    · Improved Blood Profiles

  • If you don’t, you may feel symptoms of illness as the toxins that were released during the session continue to circulate in your body and are not drawn out. Symptoms might include nausea, dizziness, fatigue, soreness in muscles, among many others. If you can detox, please do. It is an important step in the healing process. If you can’t do a bath, please talk to us about other options for detox. Please use only sea salt as Epsom salts will not draw the toxins out to the same level.

Stock image of bath accessories

Sea Salt Detox Bath Recipe

Blend the following and add to the hottest tolerable bath.  

  • 2 cups sea salt

  • 2 cups baking soda

  • 1 cup borax  

Add a few drops of your favorite essential oil if you choose. 
Soak up to your neck for 20 minutes.

Give your body the gift of healing with an EESystem appointment